We are open Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
In our full-day program, part-time positions for children needing care two or three days a week is available upon request as space allows. In our half-day program, positions for children needing care either two or three days a week is available from 9-12, 9-1, or 9-3.
Parents must pick up their children at the end of their program or other designated time, if applicable. If a parent is late, a fee will be charged based on the following scale:
Up to fifteen minutes late $15.00
From fifteen minutes to thirty minutes late $30.00
From thirty minutes to forty-five minutes late $45.00
From forty-five minutes to one hour late $60.00
The late fee must be paid in the administration office on the same day it occurs. Please remember that the center closes at 6:00 p.m. All children must be picked up and families must exit the facility by that time.
At the time of enrollment, the names of at least three persons to whom we may release your child must be provided in writing on the Emergency Form approved by the Office of Child Care. If this should change at any time, we need these changes also to be in written and provided to the Director’s Office. Our staff is instructed not to let any child leave the ELC with someone who is not listed on their emergency card. If the staff does not know the person picking up the child, a picture ID will be required. Anyone picking up a child must be at least 18 years old. In the rare event that someone must pick up your child who is not listed on the emergency card, please send in a written note in advance with the person’s name, phone number, and when the child will be picked up. Let the adult know we will be asking for a picture ID to verify that person’s identity. We will also call you to verify the written consent.
The center will be CLOSED for the following holidays:
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving)
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- President’s Day
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day
The center is also closed for Professional Development Days and Winter Break. These days will vary from year to year.
While we make every effort to serve ELC families and remain open during inclement weather, we must take into consideration county snow emergencies, school closing information, the condition of travel routes to the church, and the condition of church roads, parking areas and walkways to ensure the safety of our staff and children. The ELC DOES NOT follow the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) closure and delay decisions.
For both Half-day and Full-day programs, decisions about delaying the center’s opening or closing for the day are made by 6 a.m. If we need to close early for the day, a decision will be made by 12 p.m. for a 3 p.m. closure. Parents will be notified by phone call and Brightwheel. The Center’s status will also be announced on our website and via our Facebook page.
Children should wear play clothes to the ELC that are comfortable and easy for them to manage as we encourage children to do as much for themselves as possible. This is part of the learning process and helps to build self-esteem. It is important that your children be allowed to play and to get dirty and/or wet. We do have water and play times both indoors and out. As a result of experience, your child will need to maintain an extra complete change of seasonally appropriate clothing, including socks and underwear, at the ELC at all times. Soiled clothing will be placed in your child’s cubby to be taken home that day. A clean complete change of clothes must be returned the following day. The change of clothes should be placed in a bag and kept in your child’s classroom.
Only closed toed shoes are appropriate for your child to wear at the ELC. Tennis shoes and sneakers are the best protection for your child for indoor and outdoor activities.
Curriculum in an early childhood classroom is what happens throughout the day that contributes to the growth and development of young children. It is the sum of all experiences that occur in a day. It may include memorable stories, music, art, language & literacy, science, math, and physical development activities. These subject areas are not taught separately, but rather are integrated into the continuous activities and play throughout the entire day.
The ELC uses a Maryland Department of Education state-approved curriculum, Frog Street, which focuses on four areas of development: social and emotional, physical, cognitive, and language. Within these areas of development goals are set for all students in our care. These developmentally appropriate goals guide the instruction of the ELC program. ELC staff plans opportunities for growth in these major developmental areas that create an environment where children feel happy, secure, and loved.
The ELC’s program includes teaching, storytelling, sharing, music, play, and chapel in an informal, home-like environment. The ELC program provides experiences and activities, which support your child(ren)’s spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual, and physical needs. Children are guided to take part in small and large group activities. This combination of experiences is intended to broaden your child(ren)’s aptitude for future school activities, while allowing free rein for imagination and creativity. Children are supervised at all times by trained and experienced teachers, whose backgrounds are thoroughly reviewed.
All lead teachers have a minimum of their 90-hour childcare certification with many of our teachers having associate and or bachelor’s degrees. In addition, the entire staff at the center is certified in CPR and first aid and receives a minimum of 12 hours of continued education classes a year. ELC employees are in accountable relationships with the children, parents, church, and administration of the Center to provide positive modeling, encouragement in actions and words, celebrate similarities and differences, develop self-esteem, and communicate with families. The responsibilities of ELC staff are to promote positive spiritual, emotional, social, and academic growth for the children, while making learning fun.
Our students to teacher ratios are as follows:
- Infants: 1 to 3, with a maximum of 6 children in room
- Toddlers: 1 to 3, with a maximum of 9 children in room
- 2-year-olds: 1 to 6, with a maximum of 12 children in room
- 3- & 4-year-olds: 1 to 10, with a maximum of 20 children in room
Children will enjoy outdoor play unless the weather is inclement, and the temperature is too cold or too hot. If children are not permitted outside, then staff will provide an alternate activity. Providing active supervision, safety, and age-appropriate activities are an essential component of outdoor play. Teachers are trained to handle minor scrapes and scratches. In addition, all teachers are certified in CPR and First Aid.
Families will provide a lunch each day for their child. Refrigerated items should be packed in a lunch bag marked with your child’s name and placed in the refrigerator in their classroom. We provide 1% milk for children 2 and older with lunch. Water is available to the children at any time. You may use a thermos for hot food or pack a lunch that does not require heating.
The ELC will provide two snacks a day, a monthly snack menu is available upon request.
Teachers are available to assist those children who may need help. Children are not forced to eat any food. Special eating concerns or marked changes in lunchtime behavior will be reported to the parent.
Yes. Due to allergies, we are peanut and tree nut free.
Our goal is to guide our children toward appropriate school behavior. Consistency and clear expectations presented in positive statements are key factors to a successful system for classroom and behavior management. Each teacher establishes classroom rules at the beginning of the year with the children. Examples of basic rules for our children at the ELC are:
- Use walking feet at all times inside the building.
- Use inside voices in the classroom.
- Use gentle hands and words with friends. Take care of our toys and belongings.
Staff members use guidance, modeling, redirection, and verbal praise for positive choices and effort. Staff members encourage children to be kind, respect property and assume personal responsibility. Positive discipline involves teaching expectations, character, and self-control. Staff members model the desired behaviors and provide guided practice for the children when opportunities are presented through inappropriate behavior. A staff member will explain to them the expected behavior. Parents and staff must work together to discuss the goals of behavior management and the strategies that best achieve the goals for a specific child. When interacting with children, staff will not be permitted to use physical punishment, negative language or speak to a child in a demeaning tone.
Staff members also guide children to develop self-control and orderly conduct in relationships with peers and adults. Aggressive physical behavior towards staff or peers will be addressed by the teacher and/or Director. Parents will be notified. To protect all children and encourage acceptable behavior within the ELC, staff will intervene immediately when a child become physically aggressive by removing the child from the situation.
The teachers and parents work hand in hand when it comes to potty training. Potty training is a natural part of their day, and the children often model after each other. We encourage this process when it is clear that the child is physically ready for this developmental step. Children must be potty trained when entering our 3 year old room, accommodations may be made in advance if needed.
Yes, we love to celebrate birthdays. Parents can bring in a special snack for their child’s class on their birthday. The snack must be store-bought with the ingredients printed on the label.
There are several events that happen throughout the year which parents may attend. Those events include: ELC Open House, Halloween Parade, Thankful Celebrations, Holiday Concerts, Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads and Graduation (4-year-old classrooms only).
In our full day program, there is a 10% discount on the oldest child’s tuition.
The regular monthly fee, and any other balances on your account, will continue and must be paid to maintain a classroom space for your child.
Glen Mar Early Learning Center’s top priority is the safety of our families and staff. With that being said, together with the Glen Mar Church COVID-19 Task Force we will be continually monitoring and adapting our safety protocols with recommendations from multiple sources regarding COVID-19: Howard County, Maryland Health Department, MSDE/Office of Childcare, and the Center for Disease Control. Masks are currently optional and we urge each family to make the best decision for them regarding this. Please inform your child’s teacher if you wish for your child(ren) to wear a mask. We do ask that families continue to remain vigilant when children are sick and stay home if COVID symptoms are present.
Children need to be in good health to get the most out of their educational experiences. We understand that children may occasionally become sick during the day or show signs or symptoms of illness prior to arrival. When you make the decision to keep your child at home, please notify the ELC by their class start time.
If your child becomes ill while at the ELC, a determination will be made whether it is better for him/her to be home rather than in contact with other children. At that time, we will call and ask that you pick up your child as soon as possible. In many cases, children may not return to our care until the symptoms are treated and the child is symptom free for 24 hours.
For the good of all the children and teachers, your child should stay home if he/she is showing any of the following symptoms:
- A fever of 100.4 degrees or higher without the use of medication
- Undiagnosed rash
- Pink eye
- Lice/ Nits
- Diarrhea/Vomiting
- Any condition that would prevent the child from participating in daily activities (including going outside to play)
If a doctor has seen your child, please bring a note with the doctor’s diagnosis and recommended treatment.
A list of children with allergies or special concerns will be posted in a folder within the teacher’s cabinet in all classrooms to maintain confidentiality. Parents are responsible to inform the ELC of any allergies when registering your child and to keep us updated should any change occur. Parents must also inform the ELC of any changes in the child’s health. A list of special needs and allergies is also maintained in the child’s file in the administrative office.
Medication for a specific child will be kept in the locked boxes in the Administrative Office. Administration of medicines is managed by the Director and Assistant Director. In the event the Directors are not available, staff who have completed the Medical Administration course may also administer medications. Each medication given will be recorded on the back of the required medication form. All medication will be maintained in the administrative office. The ELC will only give medication(s) according to a physician’s order.
Each staff member will be oriented about the current fire and emergency plans for the ELC including the positions of the fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and the fire drill routine and duties of each staff member. Fire drills are conducted monthly. Evacuation plans are posted in each room. The teacher in charge must follow this plan in order to ensure the safe evacuation of all children. Every alarm is treated as if it is an actual emergency.
For the safety of the children in our care, all of our ELC classrooms are equipped with high-definition security cameras that are monitored daily. In addition, a camera is placed at the entrance to the church so we can see who is entering the building. Only parents, staff, and those approved by parents may enter the ELC wing and must do so using a swipe card that is assigned to them at the beginning of the school year. The administrative assistant can assist and greet guests using a camera and intercom system. Each classroom is also equipped with a phone, so that communication with parents is easily accessible, and teachers can call the front office quickly and easily if they need assistance.
Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adult Policy – Safe Sanctuary
ELC at Glen Mar goes above and beyond the state and county licensure requirements in providing secure, safe space for children. A copy of the Glen Mar Children, Youth and Vulnerable Adult policy is available for review in the administrative office.
The following is restated for emphasis here:
Training for staff is provided on reporting suspected child abuse and/or neglect. Staff members are made aware of the definitions of abuse or neglect and signs of child abuse or neglect. A written incident report is submitted to the Director and the Minister for Operations. State law mandates that an oral report be made for cases of suspected abuse or neglect to the Howard County Division of Child Protective Services. The phone numbers are on the Emergency Information Sheets in each classroom of the ELC. Incident report forms are available on the Glen Mar website and in the Office of the Director, ELC. Child abuse reports are strictly confidential.
Yes. Providing a safe sanctuary for children, youth and vulnerable adults is a value and expectation at Glen Mar UMC and the ELC. State law requires that childcare workers report suspected child abuse directly to Child Protective Services.

Schedule a Tour
To schedule a tour, please call 410.461.2859.
Register Your Child
Registration begins in January and fills up quickly. Find out how to get your child registered right away!